Selected references obtained from KKBud Clients:

Selgros Retail Park

in Lubin

Foodservice hall

in Gliwice

Office building

in Poznań

Wind farm

in Kotomierz

Wind farm

in Rawicz

Logistic hall

in Szczecin

Wind park

in Gościejewo

LNG gas refueling station

in Rzepin


Warehouse in Mszczonów

Photovoltaics 1,06 MW

On the roof of MAERSK warehouse

White House

Residential building in Warsaw

Castorama store

in Siedlce

Tenement house "Wolska Kamienica"

in Warsaw

Residential Building "Kompas Targówek"

in Warsaw

Selgros Cash&Carry

in Białki, Siedlce

Construction of a municipal road

in Grabianów, Siedlce community

Selgros Cash&Carry

HoReCa Poznań


warehouse in Gołuski


Streets construction: Dobrochny, Świętochny, Władymira

Construction of rainwater drainage

Wawrzyńca Street Poznań


reconstruction of offices in Poznań


Expansion of factory in Grodzisk Mazowiecki

Residential building

Bemowo in Warsaw


Shopping Center in Poznan

Selgros Cash&Carry

in Piaseczno


Warsaw at the street Mars


- in Lublin

Shopping Center Avenida

- in Poznań

Panattoni logistics center

- in Poznań

Transgourmet logistics center

- in Ożarów Mazowiecki

Onyx Business Point

- Office building in Piła


Office and production building in Baranowo

Elmex Phase II

Office building in Jasin

Street Mall Franowo



in Wrocław

Elmex Phase I

Forwarding and logistics center

Hotel Sułkowski

Conference and recreation center in Boszkowo
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